01Welfair™ is the first animal welfare certificate focusing on observing and evaluating animals and their behavior.

02The Welfair™ certification assessment protocols have been validated by an EU-wide consortium of scientists in two European projects, Welfare Quality® and AWIN.

03Products bearing the Welfair™ seal come from animals raised on farms where the four basic animal welfare principles based on feed, housing, health and behavior have been evaluated.

04Our seal guarantees that around 20.000 farms and 40 slaughterhouses certified have obtained at least the minimum scoring on all parameters analyzed.

05Certified feeds will be available in specialized retail outlets and in distribution chains or markets.

06The Welfair™ animal welfare certificate, while continually evolving, currently includes bovine, porcine and ovine species, poultry, turkeys and rabbits bred for food.

07Our seal is the result not only of 15 years of scientific research carried out by the IRTA Animal Welfare Department in collaboration with Welfare Quality® Network members, more than 400 scientists expert in animal welfare and sociologists expert in consumer habits and behavioural studies but also of the work carried out by the NEIKER Animal Welfare Department in collaboration with 60 international researchers from 11 institutions in the AWIN Network.

08The animal welfare program on which the certification is based centers on contributing, through research, to the modernization, competitiveness and sustainable development of animal production and to a better understanding of the animals’ psychological, behavioral and emotional needs.

09The demands of the certification go beyond compliance with current European legislation, which is a prerequisite for companies in both EU and non-EU countries wishing to obtain certification and which must start from the basic requirements demanded by the EU.

10Ethics drives continuous improvement in food animal production.